Reiki Session
The art of Reiki has been used in many cultures for thousands of years. It is safe for everyone and has been known to bring about relaxation, pain relief, and assist in changing or releasing old patterns that are unhealthy such as addictions, or limiting beliefs.
This allows healing on many levels. Hospitals are now offering this to cancer patients, mothers in labor as well post operative patients as the technique can assist the body in healing itself and support a healthier immune system which is so important for overall health.
Reiki is a noninvasive technique that allows energy to flow throughout the chakra system. The practitioner uses hand placement to attune and align energies on each of the chakra points, with special attention paid to problem areas.
(Clients are fully clothed during sessions, dress comfortably)
I am available by Appointment:
63 Winter Street, Weymouth
Reiki: $100 per hour
Integrated Energy Session -I.E.T
Simply put, Integrated Energy Therapy® is the art of healing with the pure energy of the Angels. It has been described as one of the “next generation, hands-on, power energy therapy systems that gets the issues out of your tissues for good!”
In order to live life to the fullest, we need to ensure our life energy receives as many healthy and resourceful inputs as we can provide. When our lives are affected by emotional or physical stresses, the flow of our life energy becomes restricted or blocked. Depending on where in the energy system that blockage lies and for how long, our organs and tissues can be affected, leading to physical illness.
The principal objective of I.E.T. is to provide safe, gentle, yet powerful, support to release suppressed feelings, and the energy blockages they cause, from our cellular memory. Releasing the blocks allows for self-healing on all levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). IET uses a divine angelic energy ray to work directly with one’s 12-strand spiritual DNA to re-align and re-balance the body. Once the energy field is clear and the body has become re-balanced, we find ourselves free of limitations to our good health, life purpose, prosperity and creativity. IET can, therefore, be a tremendously empowering experience.
IET is a complimentary therapy that can be used with other energy techniques.